The Clear Creek Orchestra kicks off their year with an amazing fall concert on Tuesday, Oct. 25. All four sections, Philharmonic One and Two, Symphony, and Chamber all displayed their array of musical skills by performing pieces of varying difficulty levels, from classics like Ghostbusters and This is Halloween to Tchaikovsky and Bach.
Starting off with the lowest levels, Philharmonic One and Two performed Night Shift, “Ghostbusters”, Air Caprice, and The Lost Tomb to set the mood for the night.
Before the start of “Ghostbusters,” Orchestra director and conductor, Mr. Cornett, encouraged the audience to participate by yelling out “Ghostbusters” in the appropriate section of the iconic song. However, one student had gotten a little excited and had yelled briefly after the song had started, a few seconds too early, “Ghostbusters!” much to the amusement of the audience members and disapproval of Mr. Cornett if the look he threw over his shoulder to the student section was any indication.
“I thought that it was a hilarious addition to a serious show,” senior Anna May said. “It brought that level of audience connection to the show, that made me feel more intune with the orchestra members on stage.”
After their last piece had finished, Mr. Cornett, gave a shoutout to the seniors for their years of service with the Orchestra program. One by one each senior was announced, personally handed a traditional fountain pen, and lined up on stage to be appreciated by the audience. This service was to make the seniors last fall concert memorable and special to them and their families.
“I think that it was a good way of representing our last year of Orchestra,” senior Caleb Coney said, “and all our hard work we put into it.”
While Symphony was setting up their equipment and adjusting stands, Mr. Cornett once again took the time to inform the audience on how this year Clear Creek Orchestra had broken their record of most members making region. This year, over 16 members from both Symphony and Chamber had made it into Region Orchestra, which only accepts 100 of the best from around the state: a truly difficult feat. During Symphony’s time on stage, they performed the lovely pieces Evening Colors, The Enchanted Garden, and Waltz of the Wicked.
Last, but not least, Chamber Orchestra performed Brandenburg Concerto No.4, BWV 1049 Presto, String Quartet No.1, Op.11 Andante Cantabile, This is Halloween, and Two Pieces for String Quartet Polka: Allegretto. There was a last-minute solo change, as the original soloist had been Nicholas Grudzinski, however he had caught the flu, and junior Bryan Stevens took it in his stead.
“He texted me the night before, that I would have to learn the solo part,” Bryan Stevens said. “It wasn’t that hard; Mr. Cornett was glad I stepped up and thought I did a good job.”
Towards the grande finale of Chamber’s performance, a cello player’s bow fell out of their grasp and clattered loudly on the stage. However, the piece being played, Two Pieces for String Quartet Polka: Allegretto, was wild and passionate, so this didn’t look like an accident but rather an addition to the music.
“We played really well together. There was this thing near the end of our last song where someone’s bow fell on the stage, most of the audience just thought that was part of the piece,” Stevens said.
Overall, Creek’s Orchestra started off strong this year with their first concert. Many parents and students are looking forward to the winter concert on Dec 6. Tickets are free for anyone that wishes to attend, so please come out and support the Orchestra program.