Dear Seniors…

Sophia Langlois, Reporter

Class Recommendations

Being new to high school is scary, along with the extravagant course selection list; it can be intimidating. Maybe, having some senior input can help narrow down that list.


“I recommend Improv, because it’s a really exciting class that pushes you out of your comfort zone and gives you a chance to extend your creative legs. Along with WHAP with Mr. Munson, because it’s a super interesting class with a super awesome teacher who makes it fun to learn.” -Anna May


“I took Medical Terminology and I really enjoyed it. Even though I don’t want to go into medicine. It was very interesting, and I would recommend it. I still use the information I learned in other classes.” – Courtney Moore


Saying Goodbye to CCHS

Senior Sentimentals

“I’m going to miss the trees in the courtyard during lunch, and the freedom to be dumb wild high school students that don’t have to take anything seriously.” – Anna May


“I’m definitely going to miss my teacher: Mr. Garner, Mr. Lewellan, Mrs. McGoldrick.” – Courtney Moore


Comfort Class

Three years of seven classes a day is overwhelming. Sometimes a break from monotonous learning is needed. We asked about their favorite classes, which can be yours too!


“I really liked my painting II class, I also enjoyed Honors Chemistry and Medical Terminology. Painting II made me realize I had something for art and that I could keep working with it; it’s something I really enjoy.” – Courtney Moore


AP Class Pro-Tips

Going to a regular class into an AP is the equivalent of entering a new academic dimension. Everything is different, three times the regular class workload, and far more rigorous. Here are some pro-tips from experienced AP students.


“I took Human Geography; World History AP; AP Language; AP Chemistry; and AP US History. AP Chem was definitely the hardest class, by far,” Senior Anna May said. “My advice would be to stay on top of your work and don’t take the class lightly. Come test day, it’ll benefit you to have taken it seriously from the start.”


“I took AP US History; AP Language; AP Government; AP Literature; and AP Biology. AP Bio was the hardest, as the curriculum went back and forth a lot. If you miss a couple of days, you will miss a whole portion of the test. My advice would be don’t be scared. It’s scary at first but put in the work and it’ll pay off. Also, ask your teachers for help!” – Rachel McElya


Club Life

Creek is not just about academics from start to finish. There’s a whole world of clubs, activities, and organizations out there, waiting for you.


“Theatre is a really good extracurricular, because I have so much fun doing shows and enjoying acting and improv without a care in the world for anything else. I’ve made the memories of a lifetime in theatre. “- Anna May


“I definitely enjoyed Student Council, as it teaches you more about leadership and the responsibilities of the student body. I also played basketball and softball, and being on a Creek team gives you a good family.'” – Rachel McElya