Award winning news team covering the BEST high school in Texas.

Creek HiLife

Award winning news team covering the BEST high school in Texas.

Creek HiLife

Award winning news team covering the BEST high school in Texas.

Creek HiLife

Summer is Ahead
May 29, 2024

Summer is Ahead



As school comes to an end students around Creek are starting to create summer plans, varying from college tours, traveling working, camps, and volunteering.

Summer is an opportunity for students to get ahead in their college search and hasty application process. Throughout the summer colleges will provide tours for students that are interested.

“I will go visit my dream school in Houston, Rice University,” Sebastian Martinez sophomore said. “I want to get a look at the lay out of the campus for if I get in.”

Summer break can also be used as a time to help the community through volunteering locally at schools, hospitals, animal shelters and many other organization. “I’m going to be volunteering for Hellen Hall library running Teen Unravellers,

” Madalyn Arevalo sophomore said. “Also I’m going on a mission trip to El Rio Grande to help build homes.”

Traveling is a breakaway from  traditional summers for students and family. Students explore the world and go on adventures that them and their families can remember forever.

“This summer I’m going to Mexico to go see my family while also getting the opportunity to go swimming in natural waterfalls” Ingrid Sanchez sophomore said.

It is common for student athletes use the summer to better train for the upcoming season.

“I’ll be doing physical therapy for my back, so I can slowly start going into SAC to make me better for water polo next year” Sadie Walker sophomore, varsity water polo player said.

Through the summer some students will be working in order to save up for vehicles, trips, college, and more.“

Throughout the summer I plan to work to save up for Coach Beaty’s Berlin trip that takes place during 2026” Julia Jones sophomore said.

It is a great time for juniors and seniors to start looking at colleges. Go online and research or take a trip.

“I’m excited to be able to travel around America to visit and tour some of my top college choices,” said Peyton Gindel junior, “Also plan to get ahead on my applications for college.”

Take the time during, summer to be productive, travel, work, start college searches or do something to make life better. There is only one life and the only thing you constantly ran out of is time. Do something now that is worth it.

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