Construction for new CTE building to begin in April

Photo courtesy of PBK

Lisa Nhan, Managing Editor

In the upcoming months, Creek can expect to see construction that will improve the school. As of the last Bond Construction Update from February, the construction is expected to begin in May and hopefully completed by December 2016. Bartlett Cocke is in charge of construction and are expected to give the Guaranteed Maximum Price to the Board of Trustees to approve in April. Once the board approves this, construction can officially begin. The project budget, according to the district website, is $28,785,555. Mr. David Drake is acting as the campus coordinator throughout the construction. He is working to ensure that it, “impacts the campus as little as possible.”

“The current fine arts, CTE and sports facilities are very outdated, the ones we’re dealing with under this construction. Every student here deserves top-notch facilities,” Drake said.

With the new CTE building to include a dental wing and the choir room seeing a major rebuild, there are many new changes Creek can expect to see. The goals for the construction are as follows; replacing the now 59 year old CTE building, fine arts and locker rooms, adding a new gym for needed practice space, upgrading the auditorium with a new fly-loft, rigging and drapes, replacing the roofs to Carlisle Gym, the Field House and Spring Sports building. This is in addition to improving the site drainage, water quality, replacing the water line and boiler. The kitchen will be improved with new food service equipment and fixes made to the AC/heating system. The boy’s gym will also have their AC/heating systems fixed.

“Think about it, when you go to another school, where do you go? You go to an athletic event or you go to a performance. The first impression you get of that campus, right or wrong, is what the kids look like and what the campus looks like. We all do that. To me, to have these facilities  be top-notch and first class, it gives that impression to visitors and the community of what a top-notch and first class school Creek is,” Drake said. The construction is being separated into eight different phases throughout the next few years. The first phase includes moving ROTC, ISS and Life Skills to temporary locations, starting the Carlisle roof renovation, demolishing the football building and surrounding storage building along with the existing courtyard between the pool and CTE. The portable buildings have already been removed along with the relocation of the weight room equipment to the Carlisle mezzanine. Parking will also be reallocated across campus, and the construction access will be established.

For the current school year, Creek students and teachers can expect to see the biggest changes in parking, but according to Mr. Drake, this will effect the teachers the most as the first thing Bartlett and Coke plan to do is fence off the faculty parking lot next to the student parking by the CTE classes. When the fly-loft construction begins, for a couple days the parking behind Carlisle will have to be blocked off, as a crane will be coming in, however that is just temporary.

Any athletics or students who go out to Spring Sports or Carlisle will have to walk out through the tennis courts.

Creek is insuring the students’ safety throughout the construction process.

Anyone who walks on to the campus as part of the construction will be required to have a badge. These badges will have different colors according to where the construction worker is allowed to go.

“If the worker is going to be inside the fences with us, they will have to go through a background check. Basically the same progress as a teacher would go through, criminal history and drug tests,” Drake said.

The construction contracts for Clear Creek Intermediate School and East Agriculture Center had also been unanimously approved during the March 23 CCISD Board of Trustees meeting. The 2013 Bond is funding this construction. It includes large repair work for the Intermediate school regarding the A/C heating system and electrical system, restrooms, and athletic facilities. This is in addition to fixing parts of the fire alarm system and sound system in the gyms. Generocity Services was awarded with the construction contract for $2,005,000. The estimated time of completion is August 2015.

The East Agriculture Center’s design is based on the West Agriculture Center and will be modified to help accommodate needs and the increased enrollment in CCISD’s agricultural education programs. It will be for students who attend Falls and Creek. It’s set to be completed by November 2015 and will be off Columbia Memorial Parkway on Delasandri Lane in League City.

For any more information regarding the construction, information can be found on the district website at