JROTC celebrates achievements at Military Ball

Photo taken by Kelsie Sullivan

Alyssa Lobue, Reporter

Clear Creek Independent School District’s 46th annual ball was on Saturday, February 28, 2015. It was located at The Moody Gardens Expo Hall. Originally the ball was supposed to be at The Moody Garden’s Convention Center, but there was a last minute change due to the vast amounts of tickets sold from all five high schools. Dress Code was determined as evening dresses\gowns for female guests as well as female cadets.

The official ball started at 5:00 when all guests and cadets made an entrance and were greeted by the CCHS JROTC receiving line. The receiving line consisted of Cadet Captain Emily McCann, The Military Science District Director, LTC (Ret) Wendell Harris and his wife Ella Harris, Clear Creek High School’s principal Mr. Jamey Majewsky, Clear View High School’s principal Mr. Michael Houston, the CCISD Brigade Commander, Cadet Colonel Garrett Von Seggern and his date Miss Hayley Snider. Following the receiving line, the guests and cadets would be seated at their tables where then the toasts began.

Offering toasts to certain people or their organizations has always been a long-standing tradition of the military. The 12 toasts made were made by previously selected cadets and specific responses were determined beforehand.

Toasts were made to United States of America, Commander in Chief, Secretary of Defense, Secretary of the Army, Commander, Cadet Command, Commander, 5th Brigade, Superintendent, Board, Principles & Faculty of CCISD, District Director, SAI’s & Instructors
as well as the Miss JROTC’s and all the ladies.

All of the Cadets then stood and recited the JROTC Cadet Creed.

“I am an Army Junior ROTC Cadet. I will always conduct myself to bring credit to my family, country, school, and the Corps of Cadets. I am loyal and patriotic. I am the future of the United States of America. I do not lie, cheat or steal and will always be accountable for my actions and deeds. I will always practice good citizenship and patriotism. I will work hard to improve my mind and strengthen my body. I will seek the mantle of leadership and stand prepared to uphold the Constitution and the American way of life. May god grant me the strength to always live by this Creed.”

The toasts led up to a guest speech by Colonel Ricardo Morales, the Brigade Commander at 5th Brigade as well as US Army Cadet Command. COL Rich Morales has received awards such as the Bronze Star Medal (3 OLC), the Joint Service Commendation Medal, the Army Commendation Medal, the United Nations Medal, as well as the Combat Action; Parachutist, Air Assault and Presidential Service badges.

Afterwards the guests and cadets were served three courses and then the Miss JROTC pageant was conducted. From Clear Creek, Miss Rachel Swisher represented Alpha Company, Miss Maddie Rice represented Bravo Company and won, and Miss Brianna Deatherage represented Charlie Company. The reiging Miss JROTC, Emily McCann, also made an appearance. The Clear Creek JROTC princesses were Miss Morgan Clark, Miss Jessica Whittle, Miss Elsa Miranda, and Miss Caitlyn Turnpaugh.