Wildcat Web News 12.2.2015
December 2, 2015
CCISD’s Financial Aid Night will be Wednesday, December 2nd at Clear Springs High School beginning at 6:30 pm. This will be a great opportunity to learn about applying for both scholarships and financial aid. This is especially important for Seniors as they will be able to apply for Financial Aid beginning January 1st using the FAFSA, but all grade levels are welcome to this event. Plan to attend so you will have the facts!
Thank you!
Elizabeth Updegraff
Our Peggy Whitley Classic Tournament begins tomorrow. This year we moved all games to Clear Springs due to construction. We have 20 teams participating and some really good competition. Please come out and watch your Varsity girls play if you can. I have attached the bracket, on Thursday we play at 10:30 and 4:30, the rest of the weekend depends on bracket play.
Kristina Odom
Starbooks will be meeting Thursday during all lunches in the library. Join us for an informal discussion of books and life and enjoy Starbucks coffee.
Want to print something on the 3d printer? The 3d printer is now open for business! If you want to learn more swing by the library and see Mrs. G-L!
Laura Gladney-Lemon