Creek HiLife staff orders pizza to support family of a slain officer

Wynette Jameson, Publications Advisor



Continuing their tradition of helping others, the Creek HiLife staff donated over $130 to the Papa John’s pizza drive supporting the family of Deputy Sandeep Dhaliwal.  According to Channel 13, KTRK, “Papa John’s Pizza is extending its fundraiser for the family of fallen Harris County Sheriff’s Office Deputy Sandeep Dhaliwal to Friday amid overwhelming support.  The initial fundraiser, where the chain offered to donate profits from its 78 greater Houston-area locations to the deputy’s family, kicked off Tuesday.”

Morgan Severson and Arrington Linder, HiLife editors in chief, were in charge of the drive to raise over $100 from the HiLife staff to purchase the pizza. HiLife advisor, Wynette Jameson, said, ” This kind of event is what makes it so great to do this job. I work with kids who care. In the midst of their very hard deadline, they take time out for the family of a an officer who gave his life in the line of duty.”