With 2024 marked as the hottest year on record, the first months of 2025 were the opposite, being the snowiest in a century in Texas. January saw unprecedented levels of snow and the first-ever “Blizzard Warning” along the Gulf Coast. Then, February saw record-breaking high temperatures of 85°F. Now this March, four inches of snow have begun to cover some parts of Texas again, while later this month record-breaking high temperatures are expected.
“Temperature sometimes change dramatically by 30 degrees in one day,” Environmental Science teacher Jennafer Smith said. “It can be a challenge to wear layers of clothing so you have the right attire for that day’s temperature.”
While not being the first time that Texans have seen snow, the region is not exactly known for its blizzards. According to National Weather Service, snow accumulation along the coast ranged from six to 12 inches, is a rare anomaly. For comparison, in 1955, only three inches of snow fell. The only comparable time that this much snow fell was in 1985, where eight to 10 inches covered Texas.
“The snow was beautiful but not typical of a Texas winter,” Smith said. “I’m not sure that many people are really aware of how much climate change is impacting Earth and all that live on it.”
Having a blizzard during global warming seems contradictory, but scientists warn that it’s a symptom of a hotter planet. According to the Texas Tribune, the growing frequency and intensity of the temperature and climate is caused by warm air displacing cold air from the north, causing it to move towards regions where there’s normally warm air, explaining the seemingly contradictory weather.
“It has snowed here before but this is the first time in three years so it’s very rare,” Sebastian Mihut (12) said. “Extreme weather caused by climate change makes it freeze or warm really quickly.”
The direct effects of climate change are well known, but the side effects are often overlooked. According to CBS News, during January’s blizzard, nearly 77,000 homes and business lost power along the Gulf Coast, and according to ABC 13, at least 10 people lost their lives. Climate change not only means that cities which don’t appropriate have infrastructure collapse, but also the ecosystems where extreme weather occurs.
“Corals are dying and that affects many different species of fish that live near coral reefs,” Smith said. “All humans need to make changes to improve our planet and action must come from all humans of every generation.”
Climate change continues to make the weather erratic. According to the Washington Post, South Texas could approach near record levels of 108°F later this March. Smith gives examples of many steps that should be taken to prevent climate change, such as transitioning to renewable energy, ecofriendly infrastructure, conserving water, recycling, planting trees, reducing food waste, and pursuing education regarding environmental challenges.