Creek Girls Golf continues to improve
January 14, 2015
The Creek Girls Golf team competed in a tournament on November 4 and hosted the Creek Invitational at the South Shore Harbor Country Club. Creek’s 2nd Varsity and Junior Varsity all competed. This included Lindsey Ashorn, Courtney Kneupper, Donna Lee, Erin Muellner, Maddy Farreira, Sophie Bishop, Valerie Garza, Kiana Alihossini and Michelle Pardivala. The state contender Bellaire ended up winning the tournament, followed by Clear Lake. The second Varsity placed fourth and Junior Varsity placed fifth overall in the Invitational.
So far this year, the golf team has competed in three tournaments. The games that preceded this one were on October 17-18 and October 27, 2014.
“Our Varsity 1 group played in the Montgomery Invitational at April Sound against the top teams in the state. Our beginning group played in the Galveston Ball Tournament at Moody Gardens, where Rachel Hyman won third Medalist,” said Coach Williamson, Girls Golf team coach.
When asked on whether the game was a notable one, Williamson spoke on how each golfer is allowed to play in seven tournaments throughout the year, which apply to their overall ranks.
“So [therefore], every tournament is a big deal for these girls because their rankings determine the placement on one of the six teams,” Coach Williamson said.
Williamson was asked on whether there were any highlights during the game.
“Sophomore Lindsay Ashorn was a low scorer for our team and Freshman Michelle Pardivala had a strong showing in her first tournament as a Clear Creek Wildcat,” Williamson said.
Williamson also spoke about advice and words of wisdom she tells her players during practice of before games.
“We work constantly on keeping a calm and positive state of mind throughout the 5-6 hours they compete during a round. I just remind them of the individual goals we have set and the key points for the course for that day,” Williamson said.
She was asked on some of the future goals or plans the team had for the future.
“Our biggest goal for this year is to place in district as a team in order to qualify for the regional tournament. We have had a three-year absence as a team from this tournament and so it is our biggest goal for this year. We have created a 2nd golf class that meets 5th period on campus. We are focusing on developing our new or beginning players in this class to in hopes of building a stronger program for the future,” Williamson said.
Williamson also spoke on how she wanted to impact her players.
“ I hope to inspire my players to be the best versions of their selves. When you have to force them to want to become better, it never seems to works out too well. I want them to crave to be better, to want to work hard to achieve their goals. This doesn’t mean that I am not hard on them or do not push them, it just means that I want to teach them how to find that desire to succeed within themselves and not rely on others to do that for them,” Williamson said.
Overall, the girls golf team hopes to do better and better in the future competitions. The team has fifteen more games to participate in for the rest of the year, spanning all the way to April. Coach Kayla Williamson and her team look forward to their next game and helping represent Creek.