Wildcat Web News 1.13.17
January 13, 2017
Faced with a monumental task? Sitting too close to the television? Feeling lost in translation? Come see the Theatre Department’s production of Mere Mortals by David Ives. The performance is comprised of six short comedies each taking place under a bizarre set of circumstances. Performances will be given January 12-14 at 7:00 PM in the Auditorium. Tickets are $5 in advance or at the door.
Brad Hewlitt
The Wildcat Boy’s Basketball team was in action against the Friendswood Mustangs last night. The Freshman A, Sophomores, JV, and Varsity all came away with the victory. The teams would like to thank all of the teachers and students that came out to support them last night. Special shout out to Ms. Kerrie Thompson for her support. Our next home game is Tuesday, January 17 vs Clear Lake.
Coach Bryan
Attention sophomores and juniors:
If you have a 4.5 GPA or higher, you may be eligible to join the National Honor Society. Besides high grades, membership in NHS requires participation in school organizations, volunteering in the community and demonstrating good character both in the classroom and outside of school. If you are interested in joining this prestigious organization, please see Mrs. Slazer in D222 to pick up an application.
Mrs. Slazer
Donate loose change to DONATE a LIFE Texas from Jan-9 through February 6 and win a pizza party. Cups are located in each classroom.