UIL One Act Monday, March 20

Wynette Jameson, Publications Advisor





The Theatre Department invites you to attend a free preview performance of this year’s UILOne Act Play entry, The Lark by Jean Anouilh, on Monday, March 20 at 7:00 PM in the Auditorium.


The Lark takes place during the church court trial of Joan of Arc which was held over a four month period of 1431 within an English stronghold located in Rouen, Normandy.  The play floats between the proceedings of the trial and Joan’s memories of the events of her life, and culminates with her execution and transformation into a legendary hero.  Much has been written about Joan of Arc, and the character has been explored in numerous plays and films, however Jean Anouilh’s version is unique.  In it he seeks to appreciate what he saw as the beautiful mystery that was this teenage girl who rallied male soldiers to improbable victories over the English forces occupying what would become the nation of France.  The action of the play is certainly serious, but Anouilh’s presentation is lyrical and light as he attempts to depict his hero as a bird soaring above the harsh forces arrayed against what she believed to be her mission.


You are also invited to attend the UIL District Contest on Wednesday, March 22 at Friendswood High School.  We perform sixth at about 5:00 PM.  Admission in typically $5-7 which will allow you to see as many or as few of the eight competing plays as you would like.  Alvin performs before us at 4:00 PM and we are followed by Friendswood and Dickinson.  The students would definitely appreciate your support at either the Preview Performance or the District contest.


Below is a list of the Cast & Crew of this year’s Company.  All of these students will be giving up four days of their Spring Break to rehearse in preparation for contest.  We have a long tradition of dedicated and passionate students in the CCTD, and this year is no exception.  Please wish them well as they enter the most grueling period of this process.


Earl of Warwick – Mia Carter (11)

Bishop Cauchon – Michelle DeMoss (11)

Joan – Zoie Ellis (12)

Joan’s Father/Executioner – Ethan Maldonado (11)

Joan’s Mother/Agnes – Victoria Blackburn (11)

The Promoter – Bryce Strickland (10)

Brother Ladvenu – Connor Campbell (12)

Robert de Beaudricourt – Aizah Rahman (11)

The Little Queen – Lillian Meade (11)

Charles, the Dauphin – Noah Massey (12)

Queen Yolande – Madelyn Chidester (12)

La Tremouille/Soldier – Justice Al-hmoud (12)

Archbishop/Soldier – Hannah Russek (11)

The Inquisitor – Cole Hutto (12)

Captain La Hire – Riley Tamblyn (11)

Stage Manager – Ashlyn Carter (12)
Light Board – Holly Hough (12)
LED Operator – Matthew McKisson (12)
Sound Board – Micah Smith (12)
Props/Deck Crew – Madelyn Gonzales (11)

Alternates: Olivia Ellisor (11), Allison Cox (11), Madison Vansco (10) & Sutton Anderson (10)




Bradley Hewlett, Theatre Director