VOE Process




*A 24-hour notification is required to process your student’s request*






A student must meet the following requirements to receive the VOE form


Any student who is:


(1) Currently enrolled


(2) Who met minimum attendance for class credit (90 Percent Rule) in each class they were enrolled in the fall or spring semester immediately preceding the date of application for the form.


NOTE: Texas Education Code 25.092 (excerpted), Minimum Attendance for Class Credit, states that a student may not be given credit for a class unless the student is in attendance for at least 90 percent of the days the class is offered. The 90 percent attendance rule applies when determining VOE eligibility.


(3) Student must be clear of all fines and fees.



Students may request their VOE in the E200 office. If you have any questions, you may call our office, 281-284-1722.



Thank you