Wildcat Web News 11.12.15

Wynette Jameson, Advisor

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HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Mrs. Jan O’Neil!


Progress Reports were given out today during extended third period.


The courtyard is only available during lunch on Fridays.  Students should either be in the cafeteria or have a signed pass from a teacher to be released from the cafeteria.


Vehicles will be towed from the band practice area today.  Please make sure your vehicle is moved from this area by 2:45.



Go CATS Go !


Ruperto Jaso


Who are you thankful for at CCHS?  Make sure to send them a Thankful Gram of homemade brownies.  You can purchase the thankful grams during every lunch for just $1 and it will be delivered to your teacher or friends’ 6th period class next week!


Laura Gladney-Lemon